Change of Plans

Oct 6, 2012

Anyone that knows me knows that I change my mind and plans all the time. Well, it's happened again. We changed our off season plans! As our Pacific Northwest trip got closer, I started feeling kind of overwhelmed with the amount of planning we needed to do to make the trip worthwhile. There was so much to see and do, and I can go a little overboard on travel planning to make sure I get to see and do as much as possible. It basically just became too much, and since we have both already been to Portland and Seattle, we decided to look into other options.

A while ago, tickets for the Great American Beer Festival went on sale and sold out within about 4 hours. We both talked about wanting to go, but just wrote it off since they sold out so quickly. When I started to think about alternatives for our trip, I looked up tickets for the GABF and found that there were plenty for sale online. So, we are now going to the GABF and couldn't be more excited! It's not until a week from now, so we are going to head up to Bozeman for a couple of days before heading down to Denver. 

We have actually never been to either city (unless you count driving through Denver in the dark) so it will be a lot of fun. I'm sure I've mentioned that not many breweries distribute to Wyoming, so we are both excited to go to the festival and have the option of over 2,200 beers to try. 

Each of those numbers is a brewery with several beers to try! Obviously, this is a big festival. I love how they are categorized by region. 

We aren't completely sure what we are doing after the GABF. It mostly depends on winter job situations. I will be sure to update you on what's happening during our trip and what our plans are for afterwards. Stay tuned!

Before I go, I have a weather update. It has gotten pretty cold! The lows have been in the teens this week and the high has been hovering around 50. Of course, it's still dry and sunny. (We just want it to snow!) So far, we are surviving the chilly weather just fine. It is pretty cold to take Sammie out on her morning walk. This morning it was 17 with a "feels like" of 7! Honestly, I don't think it felt like 7... To me, it felt more like 20-30 does in SC. With the right clothing it really is perfectly fine and even comfortable! The temperatures will go up a little bit next week, but starting in November, it's all downhill. I'll keep updating everyone to see how we are feeling about this new climate!

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