Blessing of the Pets & Ski Lake Revisited

Oct 1, 2012

Hi! I say this every month, but I really can't believe it is already October. Luckily, we have been blessed with amazing weather and it hasn't become winter yet. I'm sure it will soon enough. Until then, we are getting outside and doing fall activities as much as possible. On Sunday, we took Sammie to the blessing of the pets at St. John's. This was definitely an experience! Maybe I am remembering incorrectly, but in Columbia, the blessing of the pets was separate from the main service, and usually in the afternoon, and definitely outside. This was all during the main 10:00 service, meaning the dogs, cats, and other pets were all in church with us for over an hour! This was the craziest church service I have ever been to. It was very entertaining, though, and a lot of fun. There were dogs randomly barking throughout. For example, the choir would finish a hymn and a dog would let out a loud bark right at the end. I took some pictures, but they are all blurry since I was just sneaking them during the service, and because there was a lot of movement.

"What are we doing here?"

The poodle is obviously not paying attention.

The actual blessing of the pets was the craziest part. It was basically like getting in line to take communion, but with all the animals, too. There were also kids holding baskets of treats and the dogs were all going nuts over this, of course. The organist played the theme song from Charlie Brown, which made it seem even more chaotic. Sammie didn't really like getting water splashed all over her head, but she survived.

Scrambling for treats

"What are you doing to me?!" 

After church, we went back to hike Ski Lake. I have been taking care of a dog down the street, so I figured it would be a good way to get us all out and about and tire out the dog. (She is pretty anxious with her owners being gone.) I have also been wanting to do this hike again since it was one of the first hikes we did here and was covered in snow the last time. Here are some pictures from our previous hike:

Here are some pictures of what it looks like now. I have to say, it was much easier without all the snow. Being able to see the trail didn't hurt, either! By the way, it is hunting season here so the dogs wore orange bandanas so that they weren't mistaken for other animals. There aren't really hunt clubs or private land to hunt here like there are other parts of the country. People hunt on public land which is often the same area people are hiking, biking, or doing whatever else in. Ski Lake is pretty well-traveled so the chances are low (especially mid-day) but it never hurts to be careful, especially when taking care of someone else's dog!

Lookin' good!

The water isn't covered in ice anymore

Ski Lake in September

Right near the lake, there was this little hut that someone must have built. Sammie decided she wanted to live there permanently. She found a squirrel hanging around in it, and we had the hardest time getting her to leave! We thought we had her on the right track at one point. She was walking away casually with the group and then all of a sudden bolted back to the hut. Honestly, I think we could have left her for a long time without her noticing. We finally wrangled her onto the leash and started the hike down. 

Sammie's new home

Mountain view on the way down

So, there's our hike to Ski Lake! Even though it was cool when it was covered in snow, I have to say it was a more enjoyable hike this time around. It was much nicer to see the trail and not have to trudge through snow without snowshoes.

Since mentioning the weather in the beginning, I checked for a nice surprise! There is a "special weather statement" at the top and it says that "The extended mild weather comes to an end Wednesday... when a strong cold front blasts through northern Wyoming in the morning..." Well, I guess I spoke too soon! Luckily, we are headed to the very mild Pacific Northwest on Sunday so we won't have to deal with the cold for too long... until we return from our trip, at least.

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