Crazy Weather!

May 24, 2012

Hello! Unfortunately, I haven't been doing too much exploring lately, so there isn't anything very interesting to post about. I have mostly just been working and living normal life. I am hoping to get a little time off this weekend to be able to do something exciting! We might make a trip over to Idaho Falls soon. I doubt that the town itself is really that exciting to blog about, but we'll see! They are the closest city with a Target, and I recently discovered that they also have a Chick-fil-A! Super exciting news for me. Idaho Falls is about 80 miles away, so not too far at all.

Since I don't have anything too interesting to share from around town, I thought I would share this screen shot from

As you can see, the northwest corner of Wyoming is one of the coldest parts of the country right now! I think it's about 15 degrees below normal. The high today is in the low 50s and will be through Saturday. I don't think the temperatures are going to return to normal for a few days... BRRR! It actually snowed a little last night and you could see it in any higher elevations around town. (I think it melted in town by the time I got outside.) I think I might go into shock from the heat and humidity when I go to Greenville next week, but it will probably feel good. (...for the first few minutes, anyways)

I hope to post something more interesting soon so check back shortly!

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