Idaho, Wildlife, and Produce

Aug 11, 2012

Once again, there are no crazy hikes in this post. I have just been living a (somewhat) normal life and enjoying Jackson. There are a couple more hikes I want to do before it gets too cold, but right now it is pretty hot and it almost seems better to wait until September/October. I have been trying to get some use out of the treadmill and get Sammie out for a lot of off-leash walks, which she loves. (She's not allowed on most of the "real" hikes we do.) 

On Thursday, we reluctantly made our way to Idaho Falls (aka "IF") after a series of unsuccessful attempts to get things done here. First, replacing my lost passport. As we already know, the postal service in Jackson is as close to useless as it gets. This means it offers no extra services that post offices everywhere else in the country seem to offer, like passports. The town over the pass, Victor, Idaho, even offers passport services and it only has a population of 2,000. The courthouse does offer passport services, but not pictures, which have to be done elsewhere, preferably professionally. I tried to do them at home with some help from William and it was a complete failure. They are pretty picky about the measurements! Also, William had 3 checks that were just sitting around because there is no Bank of America anywhere in Wyoming. Of course, the one worth the most was handwritten, and the check-cashing services here won't cash handwritten checks. Lastly, the Prius needed an oil change. We could have had that done in town, but it would have been very overpriced. After making our way around town trying to print out pictures, get checks cashed, and complaining about how expensive an oil change would be, we just decided to head to IF. 

"Scenic Idaho" as their license plates say. It has been SO smoky in this area lately from wildfires around the country. Some of the smoke is all the way from California because of some crazy wind patterns. I hope it goes away soon!

Even though that's not a good picture, it actually is a pretty scenic drive over to IF with lots of mountains and rolling hills. Much more interesting than an interstate! Luckily, the trip to IF was relatively short and successful. I feel a lot better now that we have those important things done, and that we got to eat Chick-fil-A! Sammie came along for the trip, and sadly, the employees at CFA didn't give Sammie a treat like they always have in South Carolina. 

"Umm... Hello? Aren't you forgetting someone here?"

Speaking of Sammie, we did take her to a new area of the river to walk along yesterday. It was really nice! It is part of the South Park Wildlife Management Area. There is more to it, but by the time we had walked for a while, we were ready to go home. We might check out some other areas of it today. It is basically just an area owned by the government that protects waterfowl and other wildlife. There are some different trails and ponds and it runs between a creek and river.

Even though I wouldn't call Sammie a completely normal dog, she has conquered some of her fears in the past 2 years while living near the beach and mountains. One of the biggest things has been water! When I first got her, and for pretty much the whole time we lived in Columbia, she HATED the rain and jumped over puddles so she wouldn't have to step in them. She is still a little scared of big waves at the beach, but overall, she has really started to love water. When she sees a place that she can easily enter a river or creek on a walk, she goes for it. 

A little freaked out that there were some rocks sticking out of the water...

"See? I'm a normal dog!"

The pink spot on my iPhone camera lens is a new development... I actually ordered a new one through Amazon (which is always shipped FedEx or UPS) and got a confirmation email saying it would be shipped USPS to my physical address. Obviously, because of the lack of postal service here, the lens is never coming. I will have to order a new one soon. 

On a more exciting note, I found a program that is only offered in the western states called "Bountiful Baskets." I am probably more excited about this than anyone reading, but I thought it was amazing. It is a non-profit, volunteer-run organization that basically just rounds up a bunch of cheap produce and sells it to people. They negotiate with both farmers and grocery stores and get awesome deals on great produce. It isn't damaged or old or anything like that. Every week, you sign up for a basket ($15 for conventional, $25 for organic, plus some other random options like 10 loaves of homemade bread for $15) and then pick it up at the designated time and place. I got the $15 basket and was really impressed. After figuring the typical prices I would pay at the store, I think this would have been over $30. It filled up a pretty large box and had tons of stuff! Now the challenge will just be eating it.

That's all for now! I hope everyone has a great weekend. 

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