Visiting Salt Lake City

Jul 18, 2012

Hi! It has been a while since my last post... Honestly, there hasn't been too much going on here. I have a feeling there will be a lot more going on from now on- I want to make sure I get all the hikes and summer activities done that I want to do before summer is over! 
This weekend (well, Sunday and Monday) William and I took a trip to Salt Lake City. It is the closest "big" city to Jackson, so we wanted to see what it was all about. When we first arrived, we went to the Blue Plate Diner, which was featured on Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives. It was a great brunch/lunch place and also dog friendly! Sammie made lots of friends and as we were leaving a girl who had come to pet her actually leaned over the deck railing and said, "Bye, Sammie." It was pretty funny. We also walked around the Sugar House neighborhood, which was full of cute bungalows. 

Here are some pictures of the drive there:

Getting close to SLC!

After lunch, we drove into downtown. I have to say, Salt Lake City was different than I was expecting. It really wasn't as big as I thought it would be! After looking it up, the population isn't that much different than Columbia. The metropolitan area as a whole is bigger, though, and Salt Lake definitely had a "sprawl" feel to it. After driving around for a few minutes, we checked into our hotel and went on a walk around downtown. 

 Courthouse/City Hall Building
Another courthouse/law building

We also went to Ikea on Sunday. It was awesome, as usual. On Sunday night, we ate at the Red Iguana, which is a Mexican restaurant that Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives also went to. It was pretty good! Then, we went to a place called The Bayou. It is a bar and restaurant that has Louisiana-style food and serves over 200 beers. This was definitely the most variety of beers we've seen since Charleston. The funny part is that they are almost all bottled because of the alcohol laws. None of the draft beers can be over 4.0%! All of the major breweries (Budweiser, etc.) make their beer special for Utah. Pretty crazy!

On Monday, we made a few stops in the morning and then went to Temple Square. Temple Square pretty much dominates downtown completely. I think I read that it is 40 acres total. The LDS church also owns a huge shopping complex right across the street from Temple Square. They paid for and developed the whole thing.

This is some building... I forget.. Maybe the Tabernacle?

This is their office building. It's huge.

Temple from the side. (Did you know that only about 20% of Mormons go to temple? You have to be "recommended" for it and go through a big process to ever enter one. It is very different from a church.)

The Temple has a huge pond area in front with a man-made river type thing (looked like something you would raft in at a water park) and then a big lawn.

This is the conference center across from the square. It's huge, I just couldn't fit it all in the picture. I think the auditorium is one of the largest in the world, if not the largest.

Statue of Brigham Young 

The grounds were very well-kept and there were flowers everywhere. There were lots of workers (well, probably volunteers) gardening and maintaining the grounds.

Before we left Utah, we headed to the Great Salt Lake. The first thing I noticed is that it smelled pretty bad. Kind of like eggs, kind of like a marsh. Other than that, the lake is huge! Here are some pictures.

William's salty hand when he got out

On the way home, we went a different way and went mostly through Idaho. It was actually pretty scenic! We did pass a disgusting Monsanto plant where they produce phosphorus-based pesticides for their farmers. If you have seen Food, Inc. or read much about food industry practices, you know how horrible Monsanto is. The plant was so ugly! Anyways, the rest of the drive was nice. A good part of the drive was through open range, meaning there is livestock but no fence. It was pretty cool! We saw lots of cows and some were very close to the road like the one in the picture. Overall, we had a good time on the trip. SLC was interesting and I'm glad I got to see it- especially the lake.

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