
Jun 22, 2012

For the most part, I have never paid attention to the "official" seasons and their start dates. It's more like "Yesterday was the first day of summer? Really? Because I've been sweating my ___ off for 2 months now." Well, yesterday was indeed the start of summer and the best part is that it actually seems like the start of summer here! I mean, it snowed June 9th... that was definitely not summery at all, but technically it was spring, right? (I'm also positive that in March, it definitely still feels like winter here.)  I know back in SC it has felt like summer for a while, and a lot of the country is experiencing really hot temperatures right now. Jackson, on the other hand, is perfect. It was the nicest day today- not a cloud in the sky, somewhere around 75-80 degrees, and of course low humidity. It is supposed to get unseasonably hot on Sunday and reach the high 80s, but the rest of the forecast looks great and is staying in the high 70s/low 80s with clear skies. (Just pray it rains a little at some point so that there are no fires!) Lows are typically in low 40s, which is actually really nice in the evening and morning. Now I understand why so many tourists come here in the summer! It really is amazing... Go book your flights now!

The first thing you see when you step off your horribe and crowded peaceful cross country flight! Amazing.

Today I had the day off and decided to take Sammie to walk along the Snake River. It was SO nice! I had only really seen this part driving by and I'm glad I took the time to walk on it. We made it 1.5 miles in (since we had to turn back around) but I'm hoping to do a longer walk or run there sometime soon.
The Snake is a lot different than rivers I'm used to seeing- lots of islands!

Tetons on the left 

So pretty! The water is a really nice blue/green color.

Maybe we will do the same walk tomorrow and go further. I wish it wasn't a 5 mile drive away! Not that it's that far, but it would be nice to have it right in my backyard like these people:

There was more to the house that meets the eye... it was an "L" shape and you can only see part of it in this picture. It also had some amazing mountain views in their backyard, not to mention having the river in their front yard! This area of the Snake has lots of nice houses around, and a few miles down there is Harrison Ford's house. I think you can only see it by boat... I'm not sure, though.

I also wanted to mention that the night sky is amazing here. You can see so many stars and even see the milky way! It's crazy! Maybe the camera I will eventually get can capture it. We are also lucky to have the empty lot next door as well as the horse property across the street because it gives us a great, uninterrupted view of the sky. While on the topic, here is a picture of a winter sky here that I found a few days ago on a local website. This wasn't photoshopped, this is literally what the sky looked like!!!

Apparently with the right amount of cold and humidity, this happens. The colorful lines is actually light reflected off ice crystals and are called "light pillars." This photo was taken on a night when it was -20 degrees! This wasn't last winter, but the winter before, which was a very cold one. I will probably never see this happen, but I just thought this was something interesting I would share!

That's it for now! Have a good weekend.

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