Still Raining... (and snowing)

May 28, 2012

Happy Memorial Day! I bet the weather is hot and sunny in SC... We are still experiencing what is known as "mud season" here. Honestly, we lucked out with some good weather the first couple of weeks after our arrival, and now our luck has run out! It has been, for the most part, dreary and gray with occasional rain, hail, and snow. This season is really important for Jackson, though, because the summer is generally VERY dry and sunny. For comparison, Charleston receives 51" of precipitation per year, and Jackson receives 15". Obviously, it is a dry climate here. The rain is important to make the forests moist before there is a long period of dryness and higher temperatures. (Fun fact: Snow King was actually created from a wildfire!) In addition to the wetness, the high has been barely getting up to 50... pretty chilly for it being almost June. It is supposed to take a turn for the better starting tomorrow, which I think we are all really looking forward to!

It mostly rains in town, but you can clearly see on surrounding hills when the snow starts! And yes, that is a cloud hovering right on top of Snow King.

One good thing about the weather (in addition to preventing wildfires) is that it is great for the plants! I thought it was funny that the cherry blossoms are in full bloom here and the Cherry Blossom Festival in DC was too late for their blooms this year... and this was a couple of months ago! There are a few around town and they are all looking great.

Even though it is tempting to stay indoors when the weather is like this, we have tried to get out and about. William has been riding his bike to and from work (which I can't say I would ever do in this weather) and on Saturday we went to the Old West Brew Fest. The Brew Fest was just a local beer festival... Pretty small in comparison to some others we have been to, but it was a lot of fun! We also saw quite a few people from Columbia, so that was fun as well. Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of it, but I'm not sure they'd be much to look at anyways.

Yesterday, we decided we owed Sammie (and ourselves) some good exercise and headed out to a trail. I didn't think I would ever be out (voluntarily) hiking in 39°, rainy/snowy weather, but I did it, and it really wasn't that bad. We saw a couple of other crazy people on the trail, too. No bear sightings yet, but William likes to make it a point to start yelling "Hey, Bear" when we aren't talking much. This is what you are supposed to do, but it freaks me out and worries me! He also carried his new holster of bear spray. Anyways, fear of bears aside, the trail was very pretty and had tons of wildflowers. We had a good time and avoided busting our butts in the mud, which was fortunate. There were some close calls.

Just a small sample of the many wildflowers along the trail (and a cocoon that there were also a lot of.) Also, Sammie ran around like crazy and barely stuck to the actual path.
Here, you can see Flat Creek winding through at the bottom in an S-shape. There is also a trail that runs right along the creek that is really nice and has little beaches that dogs can swim in.

The disgusting aftermath of hiking in the rain and snow...

Other than that, we have just been living everyday life! I started my new job last Friday and have really been enjoying it so far. Today I helped move to our new location, which was really not fun, but necessary. I actually moved a mini-fridge by myself! I also fell a couple of times... Luckily it was not while I was holding the mini-fridge.

I am getting excited for the summer to really start here! I have a feeling we will be doing much more interesting things when the season is in full swing. From what we have heard, the summer here is great- always sunny and warm but cooler at night, which is perfect for any kind of physical activity. There are still things that are just opening up or not even open yet!

Our roommate has been in Montana for the week to visit her boyfriend, who lives in Bozeman. She is coming back tonight and bringing back her cat, along with her boyfriend's black lab. It looks like Sammie is going to have an exciting week with a cat and dog to play with! I will report back on how this goes!

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  1. love reading about y'all's adventures. The Chamber of Commerce in Jackson ought to let you write their brochures!!! Glad things are picking up for you all. Did William hear back from that brewery? Bear Spray, seriously????

    1. Thank you! No, he didn't hear back.. Oh well. It was actually in a town 20 mi away that you have to drive over a mountain pass to get to, so it's not too big of a disappointment. Haha- everyone here has bear spray! You really are supposed to carry it with you, but only use it if the bear is actually charging you, so hopefully that will never happen!


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